AFRL Munitions Directorate Technical Library
Serving AFRL and the Eglin AFB Community

Electronic Books

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27 results found

AIAA eBooks

Time-span: 1960 - present

Includes acces to the AIAA Education, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics and Library of Flight series books that have been published online.  AIAA offers the most comprehensive selection aerospace titles in both print and ebook format. Not all AIAA books have been published in electronic format.

Artech House

Time-span: 2000 - present

IEEE has partnered with Artech House, a leading technical book publisher, to bring their high-quality eBooks to the IEEE Xplore digital library. Artech House Publishers is an international press that has built along the years a notable reputation among readers, authors and editors worldwide as a source of very trusted peer-reviewed publications in business, computer science, and engineering. Artech House provides cutting-edge books from the world’s top authorities. From Antennas, RF/Microwave Design, Communications, Radar Engineering, Electronic Defense, to GPS/GNSS, Power Engineering, Nanotechnology, Computer Security, Blockchain, IoT and more.

ASM Handbooks Online

Time span: 1992 - present

ASM Handbooks Online contains all of the data and information from 24 volumes of the ASM Handbook series; as well as the two ASM Desk Editions. These volumes provide information and data about the selection, processing, performance, and analysis of structural materials. ASM Handbooks Online features full text searching, navigation, and linking over all volumes of the ASM Handbook from one point of access. 

Includes access to ASM Alloy Center, ASM Micrograph, ASM Failure Analysis, ASM Alloy Phase Diagram.

Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

The CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is a basic reference book for chemical and physical data. Material is updated and revised and new material included in each annual. Sections include basic constants, units conversion factors and mathematical tables, chemical and physics terminology, organic and inorganic compounds, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, properties of atoms, particles, solids, fluids, polymers, and sections on geophysics, astronomy, and laboratory safety. (Updated annually)

IEEE/Wiley eBooks

Time-span: 1974 - present

Includes access across all engineering disciplines, including geoscience, robotics and computing.  Search and browse by title or subject.

IET Digital Library eBooks

Time-span: 1979 - 2023

IET eBook collections contain engineering and technology titles, in a broad range of specialisms including radar, energy control and electromagnetic waves.

Knovel Aerospace & Radar eBooks

Time-span: All content is available within this collection

Covering all aspects of aircraft, helicopter, spacecraft and ballistic system design and manufacture and operation of radar, microwave and antenna arrays..

Knovel Metals & Metallurgy eBooks

Time-span: All content is available within this collection

Covers properties of metal and metal-composite materials, corrosion resistance, forming and fabrication, heat treatment, surface coatings, working with power materials and testing for fatigue. Of use to materials scientists, metallurgists, and mechanical engineers.

MIT Press eBooks

Time-span: 1943 - 2016

IEEE has partnered with the MIT Press to bring addition content in computer science and engineering technologies to the IEEE Xplore digital library.


Time-span: Access to full collection.

O'Reilly is a leading e-reference resource for technology and business professionals.  Offers access to more than 57,000 eBooks, videos, and tutorials.  Technology, digital media & professional development topics all heavily emphasized. Please contact Marjorie Neeley ([email protected]) with all support and account issues.

 Please Note: if not accessed in 90 days your account will be deactivated.  

Princeton University Press

Founded in 1905, Princeton University Press is a nonprofit publisher with close connections to Princeton University.  The Press brings influential voices and ideas to the world stage through their academic scholarship, advancing the frontiers of scholarly knowledge and promoting the human conversation.

River Publishers

River Publishers is an international publisher of high-level research monographs, professional books, handbooks, edited volumes and high-impact journals for institutional and professional markets, with focus on key research areas within the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine (STM).  River Publishers partners with Cybersecurity Magazine which publishes opinion pieces and articles on cybersecurity and aims to bridge the gap between science and practice.

ScienceDirect eBooks

Time-span: 1960 - present

Access includes content within the ScienceDirect Freedom Collection of eBooks.

ScienceDirect Reference Works eBooks

Time-span: 2001 - 2012

Includes access to Comprehensive Biophysics, Microsystems, Structural Integrity. Encyclopedias of Condensed Matter Phyisc, Mathematical Physics, Modern Optics, Physical Science and Technology and Encyclopedia of Vibration.

SPIE Digital Library eBooks

Time-span: 1962 - present

SPIE eBooks is a growing collection of titles from SPIE Press, which is the largest publisher of optics and photonics books.

Springer eBooks

The library's collection includes access to Engineering Archive (1840s - 2004), the Engineering Collection from  2008 - current and Chemisty and Materials Science from 2022 to current. 

Springer Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena Series

The Springer book series on Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena comprises monographs and multi-author volumes containing either original material or reviews of subjects within the field. Subjects of interest include properties of materials at both the continuum and microscopic levels, physics of high rate deformation and flow, chemically reacting flows and detonations, wave propagation and impact phenomena.

Wiley eBooks

Time-span: 1939 - present

Wiley Online Books combine quality content with the convenience, accessibility and enhanced functionality of electronic access. Now featuring over 20,000 scholarly and professional books, handbooks, dictionaries, companions, and landmark book series.